ACE Logistics Group is a group of logistics firms operating in the Baltic and neighbouring countries.

ACE’s aim is to be one of the leading logistics service providers in the region.

ACE shall ensure persistent and long-term satisfaction of its three main stakeholders – customers, employees and shareholders.

The main target of ACE is the steady increase of its value. The increase of value is mainly assessed by the focus on long-term stable growth, profitability and return on equity:

  • Consolidated turnover growth shall exceed the growth of the logistics sector and shall be twice the domestic GDP
  • Growth of Gross Margin is proportionally larger than, or at least equal to, the growth of operational expenses
  • Net profit margin shall be at least 5%
  • Return on equity shall be at least 30%

Financial goals must be achieved as the result of natural organic growth. At the same time, ACE is open to acquisitions and other modes of strategic partnerships. The policy for such partnerships in the home market is to retain majority ownership.

The ACE investment policy foresees that investments are to be covered by cash-flow from its activities and by external capital. The principle of a “non (hard) asset company” must be maintained.


ACE Logistics Group as a holding is involved in corporate management and focuses on defining the group’s overall strategy.

The management of each individual ACE Group company is performed individually by the respective management teams. Each company develops its own strategy in accordance with the group standards.

ACE’s management culture in general is characterised by entrepreneurial spirit and focus on personal responsibility. ACE aims to recruit and retain the best employees and provides them pofessional career opportunities within the group. Employees are offered competitive compensation packages, and various additional benefits are available.

The companies of ACE Group work independently from each other. All business interactions between the companies are based on general business principles and pricing. Competition between the companies inside the group must be avoided.

ACE Group companies are committed to maintaining a high level of transparency, regular reporting guidelines and exchange of information within and between the companies.

ACE Group companies have implemented audited quality management systems (ISO), which measure fulfilment of customer satisfaction and proactively react to changing demands. Group companies also benchmark themselves against their main competitors.


ACE Group companies render:

  • Air-, sea- and road freight forwarding
  • Customs brokerage
  • Warehousing and distribution
  • Services for airlines


ACE companies continuously review and develop their service portfolios.


The primary key success factors of ACE Group companies are:

  • Activities in carefully selected business fields and regions
  • Quality and reliability
  • Motivated personnel
  • Effective production
  • Innovation
  • Flexibility
  • Active sales policy
  • Co-operation with the best worldwide logistics networks

Copyright 2020 ACE Logistics Group AS. acegroup@acegroup.ee